Career Over Coffee

Changing Your Career Over a Cup of Coffee...

Find a job that speaks to your soul.

Ready to make your next career move in half the time with a salary increase?

I can help. Sit back, relax, enjoy a cup, and I’ll get to work!

Are you feeling stuck in the pursuit of a career path that’s right for you?

Unhappily employed, unemployed, or underemployed? Wanting to share your gifts and talents in a purposeful and meaningful career, but getting no responses to your job applications or offers post-interview? Don’t know what you want to do, or where to start? You are not alone.

There is hope! It really is possible to make a change, where you wake up everyday looking forward to what’s ahead. In case you need the reminder:

You are worth investing in and deserve a fulfilling life.

How I Can Help

My name is Caitlin, and I am going to completely transform your job search experience, making your dream job a reality. Through a collaborative and customized approach, clients have experienced callbacks within 24 hours and salary bumps of up to 50% with my resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn makeovers.

My Qualifications:

  • Nationally Certified Resume Writer – one of less than 70 worldwide to achieve this executive-level credential.
  • Professionally recruited to write for one of the world’s largest career mobility organizations.
  • Have sat on the other side of the hiring desk for a Fortune 20 company, so I know what managers are looking for!

What My Clients Are Saying

After she reworked my resume and drafted cover letters, I received 5 interview requests within days! But Caitlin’s biggest value is her ability to instill confidence in you and help actualize your career aspirations. I attribute my 3 job offers to Caitlin’s consulting services and could not be more grateful for landing the job of my dreams.


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